Chad Wakefield
2 min readJan 10, 2021

What’s the Consequence?

Ever sat done and thought about them? The what if’s.

1. If I do this what may happen? Can and I should I live with the result?

2. If I do this is the result what’s good and right by me and others?

3. If I do this is it going to build up or destroy what I have and what I seek? And those with me?

4. If I do this is the result a short term hack that works right now but damages everything else in the wake and in the path?

5. If if I do this. Will it go against my values and those principles I hold that should be unshakeable.

The hacks, work arounds, and even things sometimes thought of as an innovations are all about getting something immediately. Not necessarily the right thing. Not always a horrible and bankrupt thing. But still cheating the long game for a simpler moment in some way. And what’s missed going short v. long?

Is it worth it? Risk in anything, sure. And we can’t always see the downside even when we are considering and being intentional. Of course we also don’t always want to see it.

But is the consequence worth it? Doing what’s right even when no one is looking is vital. Is what you’re doing or seeking worth it?

We all have to answer that for ourselves. We may be lucky enough to have some rocks to help us see. But we still ultimately own it when we choose it. Even if responsibility is shifted or blame assigned to others. We still own it.

It is worth it to slow down and think twice. And ask would I do that twice if I’m being honest with myself. Or does it only satisfy a moment that robs others that will be more right.

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