Well You’re the Expert Aren’t You?
Maybe. It depends. You tell me. Let’s get to that later.
I’m asking you questions because I don’t always know:
- What you have already done? What work do you think is complete?
- What you may want to keep in house and do yourself?
- Whether there was actual agreement and understanding in house as to why you have me on board in the first place? Even consensus to hire on some help does not mean that “you”. Not the Royal you. But the actual you, a member of the team, agreed with how this help is to be used.
- I’m an expert in my craft. But I’m new to this team.
- I’m an expert in my craft. But I’m new in your community. That will change because I believe in presence not abscence.
I need you to understand that I’m somewhat untethered in this particular situation because I just showed up. But that will change because one reason you did hire me is because I adapt quickly.
Sure I read the RFP. Wrote a proposal you liked for your reasons. Or at least met the minimum requirements. That got me to the table with a contract. But that’s often not the starting point.
In some cases. The RFP isn’t actually any good. It was written by persons totally unfamiliar with the topic. And the responses to my questions are worse and less instructive in what you want than the RFP. Again they were asked become I don’t Know what you want. And I can tell that it was copied from some one else; because I already responded to that one and finished the job some time ago. The RFP. It’s enough to generate a response because I am expert. I can come in and deliver for you.
But is what I pull out of my out my bag of tricks (or the typical one out of the box), that worked over here and there, and that one time in Fresno, really okay? Is it what you want? Is it fitting to your team, community?
Do you even know you’re stakeholders? You’re business case? You’re schedule?
I can develop those. But you didn’t ask for that. You asked for a project that presumes all that’s been figured out.
So. I’m not telling you I have no clue what I’m doing when I ask you these hard hitting, basic questions.
I’m asking you what has already been done (so I don’t waste time and money) and asking you what you want (so we get there together in a reasonable amount of time and money).
Are you aware yet that you are so far behind the curve that you have no shot to be in your desired location because you waited too long to get me on board?
So I am the expert? Yes, but not infallible.
Did you want that?
Or did you want an order taker?
Are you sure you want real answers?
Hopefully this open stream helps you better structure projects where you need help.