Two Days Before Christmas….

Chad Wakefield
4 min readDec 23, 2020

December 23. Early morn, two days before Christmas. Through his house, not a creature was stirring….BUT as usual , he. In him reflection abounds as normally this time of year.

Was the time since the previous joyous season an amaze, astound, astonish, AWESOME, or just one like the other?

COVID, elections, divisions, and fear galore lay outside his door! But inside his home, lay a peacefully sleeping family; thankfully the norm!

On the surface, a trying and taxing year for sure. But has it not been so much more? What has the year been and what does this day mean to him?

This year has been a great personal challenge. A dream effortly made into truth. Trying at times. And worth it all!

This year has been an idea conceived in Las Cruces, NM some 20-years ago, now accelerating and growing having been born so many months ago. For some time that idea was frozen in doubt. But this year that idea was put on a thaw, given a nudge, then a shock, and now a sprinting reality.

The year has been an immense gain in personal wealth and riches for he. BUT IT IS NOT MONEY WE ARE TALKING ABOUT, YOU SEE.

For he, this 20’ (stealing a little from 19’), has been more than a dream. It has been an amaze, an astound, astonish, and oh so AWESOME!

And for that sleeping family? Well hopefully they see, a happier, healthier, and more heartful man fulfilled indeed. Much more so than year before. Because he stopped waiting for someone or something to knock at his door. Instead, with a lot of good advice, encouragement, and willingness of other to help. And he had so many of his own tools (often discounted) to bring down from the shelf. He built his own entirely new house of his own design. He built it to invite others in for a celebration and the privilege to let him help them with whatever their challenge or need is, no matter, big or small.

His dream was not to simply gain for himself, but to invite some others in to share in the wealth of ideas, friendship, collaboration, and leverage. All for the work of problem solving so they can work on their own homes.

His family has gone on their continued way happily, and healthfully. And that makes him oh so healthful and happy. They are living their dreams, and just a little, he is helping. He is happy that the execution of his dream has only made the execution of theirs oh so easier.

You may be thinking the year before this, and many others, was oh so bad for him. Oh to the contrary friends. The year before this was also a good one, he had. As were so many others past. In reflection, they were not painful challenges, unfulfilling, or without their own merits that he had. It was more just the year before this made him realize and act on the feeling that had been frozen. It was the year he decided it was time to let that dream be born and write a new story than others may have envisioned for him.

Where will the richness of this year take him, and for how long will the wealth he created sustain him and those sleeping souls in the other rooms restfully?

Only he can control that level. For the greatest of wealth gained this year is that of control. Control of his intentions, thoughts, and deeds. Control those. Make them as beneficial to as many as you can touch. You will succeed.

The greatest gift gotten this year is that no matter what is achieved, he is in control.

The key is to do as much good with it, and not always for others to see. For sometimes in life the greatest gifts are those one cannot see. They are those you just have to make a decision to believe.

A Merry Christmas, A Happy Hanukkah, Kwanza, and so many other joyous seasons to all.

In this coming new year, and all its successors, may we visit each other at our respective doors, invite each other in, and develop new ways to grow and tom achieve with each other.

