Need a Break? Will the World Come Back When You Got Your Mojo Working Again…..

Chad Wakefield
3 min readSep 25, 2021

Many years ago I watched a film {think it was It Came From Detroit} and Jack White (White Stripes) was being interviewed about his time before being famous and even now. He had worked in a furniture factory Detroit. He talked about days when he just was not wanting to be there. Making chairs. But he could look at the end of the day and know he made a chair. Something done. Some pride in that. Gave him something to hold onto to get through a day.

He then related that to writing songs, practicing guitar, and other things that, as a musician, can just be a chore. Just something to grind through to get the other side basically.

Ever feel like that with your work? Something you’ve chosen as a vocation. Maybe choose you. Maybe you toppled into on accident. Got sucked in to it by necessity. And for whatever reason you’ve stayed there and stuck with that thing.

Sure you may enjoy it. But at some point. You just don’t have it. Have that energy to keep at it. It’s become a chore. It’s not giving you life. It’s sucking it away. Misery.

You try everything. Including maybe not doing it. Going through a motion to appear engaged. Coming up with a response related to what should be happening to buy some cover. Because you think; if they find out I am not into this, I’m finished.

Especially if you’ve taken on a new client. Project. Leadership of a team.

You take something on in a period when you are not feeling it.

A period you know you could easily quit. Run away and hide given the right breaks and opportunities.

How do you get reset to get back to what made you good, productive, great even?

This is not a post about tools and tricks to do it.

It’s actually a question.

I don’t know myself.

There’s a lot of noise out there. 3-ways to this; Elon Musk’s secret to do X……

It’s an acknowledgement that this phenomenon exists in us all. Superstar or just the pretty good.

How do we express this in the world in a positive way without retribution? Without someone giving what’s yours to someone else because you decide to advise them that your octane level is low?

Does the world care that your slugging through? No. Not really. It may advise you to tell it what’s happening. But really it’s job is to spin. Not counsel or console you.

For the most part I think we are really on our own in most cases. World is not waiting on you to pull it together.

That sounds pessimistic right?



All depends.

But I do wonder if we ever conveyed how we are really doing. Does the world just move on from us if we ever openly admit we aren’t into something at a given time. Or if we are honest, and not just half hearted cheerleading, does the world say it will come back and check on us later to see if we got our mojo working again?

How much momentum is lost?

Again. No idea.

I suppose it depends on how good you really were at something. And how well you made yourself to start. How good you’re reinventing skills, or grand reopening skills are.

