Be Fearful When Others Are Greedy

Chad Wakefield
2 min readApr 15, 2021


When the price of anything starts to bump the other stuff in this headlines out of the way it’s not time to buy that thing. Or invest in it. It’s time to start to look for the next thing.

It’s time to start thinking that what most are chasing, is not for you…..unless you have such a machine already that you can exit so damn fast when the collapse comes that the impact is a rounding error.

But we all suffer from some amount of FOMO. And the notion that we can slide in and grab the wave at the end is far to sexy to ignore. Or far too easy to beat ourselves up for missing it.

Thoughts on what to do when the greed oozes out.

  • Stop reading about the oozing. The coverage is so saturated that there is likely nothing new to see there.
  • Spend time thinking what you’re really interested in. Ignore the headlines. Pay more attention to your own sparks.
  • Force yourself to think about what’s not gettitng fulfilled. Then research to see if that’s actually the case.
  • Go find others who are talking about other stuff and talk to them.
  • Ignore everyone who starts selling a course in that thing that is oozing greed. Most of them know the end is near and are selling hopes and dreams instead of actually doing that thing — they know it’s more profitable.

Lastly. Thank you to Mr. Buffet for the root of this advise.

Grab your straw and find surface above the water. Things are going to get choppy. Don’t let the straw go below the water.



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